Stillwater Fly Fishing Strategies
for BC Lakes
and flies by Fred Curtis
The first day of June has started with a beautiful spring day at the lake!
I have cleaned
my dry line in anticipation of the first mayfly nymphs who will soon start
their trek to the surface of the lake. A Weighted Pheasant Tail Nymph
pattern is attached to 9 feet of leader, and I'm ready for this mornings
Later this
afternoon it will be time to go after those Lakers (no, not the basketball
team) but those largechar feeding near surface in the top 30 feet of the
lake. A short leader of about 8lbs. test attached to a Tied Down Minnow
pattern should aggravate them into a frenzy. I think I will have to try
that new intermediate sink line to get it down to the desired depth.

catching and releasing fish, I'll be trying to make up my mind which pattern
to use tomorrow for those speedy kokanee. I'll probably end up using that
old standby the Silver Backed Shrimp, tied to a nine foot leader with
the same sinking line. But, for this job I'll use a lighter tippet.
The water
temperature this month will be on the rise and Brookies will be feeding
regularly in the shallows. These lines are sure going to get a good workout,
tied to a 7 foot leader of about 3lbs. test and worked slowly with my
Trimmed Idaho Nymph.
You have
to love these spring days. Everything in nature has come back to life:
the flowers, the insects, the fish, and the fishermen.

- Pattern
Weighted Pheasant Tail Nymph
- Hook
- Mustad 9671 10-12-14
Thread - Red
Tail - Pheasant fibres
Body - Pheasant fibres w/ copper wire
Thorax - Peacock herl
- Pattern
Tied Down Minnow (Blue)
- Hook
- Mustad 79580 4-6-8
Thread - Black
Tail & Body - Mylar piping
Back - Blue Crystal Flash & Mallard Flank
Head - Black thread with eye painted.
- Pattern
Silver Backed Shrimp
- Hook
- Mustad 3906 8-10
Tail - Brown hackle fibres
Body - Orange chenille & palmered brown hackle
Back - Poly Flash or Flashabou
Thread - Orange
- Pattern
Idaho Nymph
- Hook
- Mustad 9671 8-10
Body - Black wool & palmered black hackle
Head - Peacock herl
Thread - Black