Kootenay Lake, BC, is over 100 km (62 mi) long with access from
Nelson, Balfour,
Kaslo, Crawford Bay, Boswell and
several other points along BC Highway 31. Campgrounds with all facilities
and various resorts are located along the lake.
Kootenay Lake provides good fishery for Gerrard strain rainbow trout
of up to 10 kg (22 lb), Yellowstone cutthroat, large Kokanee
and rainbow
and Dolly Varden
weighing up to 12 kg (26 lb). Fly fishing in the late summer with
floating line and Tom Thumb or hopper pattern near creek mouths
is particularily productive. The Yellowstone cutthroat is more common
in the southern end of Kootenay Lake whereas the north end of the
lake is good for kokanee. Sheltered Crawford Bay provides excellent
fishery for Gerrard rainbows, bull trout and largemouth bass.
BC Adventure Network members serving this area:
Shadow Mountain Outfitters: Located in the Bull River drainage, this is the largest guiding territory in Southeastern BC, encompassing 80-mile Kootenay Lake; an area often referred to as "Little Africa”. With over 30 years of guiding experience, this will be an adventure you won’t f... more
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Always check your current BC Fishing regulations before you start
fishing a new lake.
sure to visit Fishbc.com
for angling information!